This page introduces the softwares and the Web services developed by the Computational Biology Laboratory.
入手先: https://github.com/sfujita0601/FUJISAN
This program predicts whether a pair of enzymes catalyze the same reaction on the same substrate based on the sequence and the structure similarities.
Available at: https://github.com/sfujita0601/FUJISAN
入手先: https://github.com/BILAB/pdb2oniom
This program generates a Gaussian input file for ONIOM calculations from AMBER topology (.parm7) and restart (.rst7) files.
Available at: https://github.com/BILAB/pdb2oniom
入手先: https://github.com/tterada-utokyo/PyHoleFinder
This program detects holes in images of the holey carbon films on a cryo-electron microscope (cryo-EM) grid. This program can work with SerialEM. With this program, detected holes can be grouped into 3×3 or 5×5 groups, which enables to efficiently acquire high-magnification images of 9 or 25 holes without moving the cryo-EM stage.
Available at: https://github.com/tterada-utokyo/PyHoleFinder
Biosynthetic Gene Cluster Database with Functional Annotations
生合成遺伝子クラスタに含まれるタンパク質の機能について、配列類似性に基づいて予測した結果を登録したデータベースです。ここではMIBiG(Minimum Information about Biosynthetic Gene)に登録された遺伝子産物のタンパク質配列について、PDBとSwissProtの配列データベースに対してBLAST検索を行い、結果を、UniProtの機能情報とRheaの酵素反応情報とともに、データベースに登録しました。利用者は、MIBiG accessionやprotein ID、基質・生成物の名前や部分構造を用いて、データベースを検索することができます。これにより、興味のあるタンパク質について、これに結合するリガンドや、触媒する反応を予測したり、興味のある化合物に対する反応を触媒する可能性のあるタンパク質を検索することができます。
サーバーURL: http://sr.iu.a.u-tokyo.ac.jp/
This database provides plausible functional annotations of the genes in biosynthetic gene clusters based on the sequence similarity with functionally annotated proteins. The amino acid sequence of each gene product registered in the MIBiG (Minimum Information about Biosynthetic Gene) database was subjected to BLAST searches against the PDB and SwissProt sequence database. The results are stored in a relational database together with the functional annotation data provided by UniProt and the reaction data provided by Rhea. The user can search the database by MIBiG accession, protein ID, reaction participant name, or reaction participant substructre. This database helps the user to infer bound ligands and catalyzing reactions of a gene product and to find a gene product that is inferred to catalyze a reaction involving a given compound.
Server URL: http://sr.iu.a.u-tokyo.ac.jp/